Taking Music Lessons

When you take music lessons at the Rastall Music Studio, you come once a week for an hour. This is not much instruction time when compared to school, so we want to pack as much into one hour as possible. The student spends a half-hour with the teacher, learning how to play the instrument and how to read music. The teacher will give the student a homework assignment for the rest of the week.

The student spends the other half-hour working with various tools in the music lab, reinforcing the skills they have learned in the lesson. All of this is designed for each child to fulfill the requirements of the Rastall Music Studio curriculum in the way that each one learns best.

The whole hour is closely guided. For the other six days of the week, the student works at home. If the student is young, it is preferable to have a parent work with the child. Children learn much, much more when an adult takes part, or even just watches them learn.