What We Do


At the Rastall Music Studio our goal is to teach people to enjoy playing the piano.
Playing a musical instrument is fun, but it takes a lot of work over many years.  Fortunately, the work is fun too.  We are interested in teaching a well-rounded curriculum.

We teach music reading, rhythm and listening, as well as playing. The two piano teachers are Bobbie Rastall and Jill Slaughter.  Bobbie, a nationally-certified teacher of music with a master’s degree in piano pedagogy, has written the curriculum for the piano studio.  As the students move through the curriculum for each level, they earn “winners cards,” and at the completion of their music and lab books, when they pass their technique, written theory and vocabulary tests and give a performance, they are awarded a certificate of achievement.

Piano Lab

After the lesson in the studio, the hour-lesson student goes into the music lab. The student will find a folder with her/his name on it, which contains the assignment for that lesson. We encourage a parent to participate with the student. Children learn much, much more when an adult participates and watches them learn.

Lab activities include:

  • Note recognition drills and games
  • Rhythm drills and games
  • Ear training drills
  • Theory instruction and games
  • Guided listening to music projects
  • Composing music
  • Research projects about the orchestra, the guitar, the piano and form in music